Friday, December 22, 2006

M Pops Her Blog Cherry

Wow...I feel nervous and my palms are kind of shakey. I'm ultra aware of any noises that may come from around the corner, just waiting for someone to walk in and discover...I'm blogging.

Yes, the above does seem ridiculous to me. I bet you thought I was masturbating right? The feeling is akin to being in high school, all nervous one of my parents would walk into my bedroom and find me in a compromising position of ecstasy.

The fact that I am that nervous right now makes me feel like my emotions are not on par with reality. I understand that blogging is a firable offense and that many hardworking people have lost their jobs for just that, but come one. It just seems to me that when people where sneaking around working in the past, they were committing much more sinister offenses like money laundering or jacking off in their office.

Side note:
Maybe I could blog and masturbate? Or be like the naked blogger. That would maybe get me some audience? Once when I got stuck in the rain on my way to the office, I took my pants off to dry. I got too scared and put them on soaking wet five seconds later, but at least I gave it a shot. That was exciting (even if it comes off as a mundane story)!

The reason I am blogging at work is that I am bored. More bored than usual. It's the Friday before X-mas and I have nothing to do but wait until six o'clock rolls around. I have literally sat and stared at my outlook box, interspersed with glances at the phone, for two hours hoping that something would happen. My mind went blank for awhile but mostly I have just been wondering what the hell everyone else is doing.

I get this feeling a lot at work when things are slow. I work on a team with one other girl and we handle the most and largest accounts in the office so I have to wonder what everyone else could possibly be doing.

My office mate, who is possibly the laziest person I have ever met, talks on her cell phone, looks at pictures of her baby and talks endlessly in my ear about the cute thing, like say burping or shitting in his diaper. But being that she is the only one who has a kid and does top my list as worst employee I've ever met (she stole my idea right in front of my face during a meeting yesterday and steals everyone's placements), I can't assume that is what everyone else is doing.

This freaks me out because it makes me wonder, what should I be doing that I'm not. Then I try to make a to-do list only to realize, that yes, I really have nothing to do. Or do I...hmmm...Nope, it seems I only have to figure out a way to look busy. Is this what everyone else is doing also?

Another weird thing about my coworkers is that I never hear anyone making phone calls, an activity that is essential to public relations. My office is relatively small and I can hear at least three other people at all times and no one seems to ever pick up the phone. Some days it is as quiet as a library-not even the sound of typing. This is definitely something I am going to have to get to the bottom of. Is there as secret I don;t know about that allows people to make follow p phone calls without ever having to pick up the phone?

I guess it will remain a mystery today. For now, I am going to sign off (too nervous) but at least the sound of the keyboard typing furiously for ten minutes must have given off the sound of doing something substantial and relevant.

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