Saturday, March 10, 2007

M Can't Deny Mr. X, Calls Off Dating Binge

So a whole two posts ago, which in real time equals about two weeks, I decided that I was forever done with Mr. X and the on-again-off-again nature of our sometimes-"relationship." But, somewhat predictably (notice the "on again" in the previous statement) we are on again, but of course not quite.

Instead we are going to continue what we have been doing since November and for the past two years; November being the last time when we first got back together from a more official break in which we didn't speak for three whole months. What happened to lure me back into this sticky trap of ambiguous emotional status and ego-crushing, question-inducing state of relationship ambiguity?

Simply-I love him. I love the way he laughs, touches me, makes me mad at myself in a way that pushed me towards personal growth and yet feel beautiful in my present state.

So, While I would like to report that I am out on the town, living the wild life of a single Manhattanite, I am instead merely pining in the way that mid-century French poets pined or adolescent high school girls with a deep crushes on the highschool jock and a notebook full of bubble letters and hearts.

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